Polish Earth Day
The programme concept for Poland’s participation in the Osaka World EXPO is based on the assumption that the Polish Pavilion is to be a space filled with a variety of events over the six months of the Exhibition. The central axis of the schedule consists of events of a cultural and economic nature. On the basis of the framework created in this way, events from other areas of promotion were planned, taking into account the events scheduled and publicised by the Organisers.
Earth Day is one of the first events planned in the EXPO calendar. The partner of this event is the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) – the oldest natural sciences university in Poland. The invitation of SGGW to co-create the programme for the promotion of Poland at the World Exhibition EXPO 2025 in the scope of developing the programme and realisation of the ‘Earth Day during EXPO Osaka 2025′ is a chance to present and promote the scientific achievements of SGGW to many international audiences, as well as to strengthen and expand the existing international activities of the university. The realisation of the project provides a unique opportunity to deepen the existing areas of SGGW’s cooperation with Japanese partners in terms of popularisation of scientific achievements, scientists’ work, research and development work. The realisation of the task during and in the framework of Poland’s appearance at the World Exhibition in Osaka will allow the promotion of Polish science and the achievements of SGGW scientists at the largest and most prestigious promotional event in the world, aimed at a diverse audience: scientists, professionals, experts, as well as the general public. SGGW’s project, ‘Earth Day during EXPO Osaka 2025’, is in line with the themes of the Expo and the concept of Poland’s presence at the Exhibition and promotes Polish science and scientific achievements that make it possible to find answers to the challenges of the modern world and everyday life of ordinary people.
The EXPO Osaka 2025 theme ‘Designing Future Society for Our Lives’ focuses on creating a better future based on the Sustainable Development Goals. This is a particularly favourable context for presenting achievements from the research areas of the SDGs. The EXPO organisers anticipate the participation of 150 countries and 25 international organisations. The Polish pavilion refers to the “Saving Lives” and “Empowering Lives” zones, emphasising the role of modern technologies and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Poland’s presentation focuses on supporting people’s well-being through modern technology and harmonious co-existence between man and nature. Poland’s slogan ‘Poland. Heritage that drives the future’ emphasises that our heritage inspires us to seek answers to the challenges of the modern world.
As part of the Polish Earth Day programme, two workshops are planned to be organised on 22 April 2025 in the workshop area by the Polish Pavilion with the participation of SGGW scientists. The workshops will present various discoveries of SGGW scientists that have a real impact on protecting natural resources and their wise use in a way that engages Expo visitors. Each workshop lasts about 45 minutes and will be presented at least twice during Earth Day. Their formula assumes that listeners/viewers can join in at any time and that they actively participate in the workshops. An essential element of the day’s programme is the organisation of a conference with the participation of scientists from SGGW and partners from Japanese universities, aiming to summarise areas of cooperation to date and create space for discussions on new projects.
The Polish Earth Day begins the Week of Polish Science and Education at the Expo, the organisation of which is the responsibility of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.